Pendant Flower of Life Metatron
Natural amethyst stone pendant: Metatron’s Cube
Spiritual Jewelry
Experience the unique protection and spiritual elevation offered by the Archangel Metatron’s seal engraved on this stunning natural amethyst stone pendant.
High-Quality Material
This pendant is made of high-quality natural amethyst stone, known for its powerful properties.
Technical Specifications
- Represents the cube of Metatron
- Engraved with the Archangel Metatron’s seal
- Diameter of the pendant: 30mm
Elevate your spiritual journey with our unique Pendant Flower of Life Metatron. Made of high-quality natural amethyst stone, this pendant features the powerful symbol of the cube of Metatron and the protection of the Archangel Metatron’s seal. Embrace the vibration-raising properties of this stunning piece of spiritual jewelry. Perfect for those seeking a spiritual connection and seeking to enhance their energy. Discover the beauty and meaning behind the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life with our Pendant Flower of Life Metatron.