Title: Crystal Singing Bowl 528HZ Engraved Om & Metatron
General description of the Crystal Singing Bowl 528HZ Engraved Om & Metatron
Headline: Experience Deep Relaxation
Sell the experience of deep relaxation with the Crystal Singing Bowl 528HZ Engraved Om & Metatron
Headline: High-Quality Craftsmanship
Detail the high-quality craftsmanship of the Crystal Singing Bowl 528HZ Engraved Om & Metatron
Headline: Technical Specifications
- Indigo exterior and golden interior design
- Tuned to 528 Hz frequency
- Engraved with sacred symbols: Om and Metatron
- Includes a suede mallet for gentle vibrations
- Approximately 12 cm in diameter
Enhance your meditation practice with the Crystal Singing Bowl 528HZ Engraved Om & Metatron. Crafted from high-quality crystal, this singing bowl produces harmonious and powerful sounds that can induce a state of deep relaxation. Tuned to the 528 Hz frequency, also known as the “Mi” note, this bowl is believed to promote harmony and balance in the body and mind. The bottom of the bowl features the sacred symbol “Om,” associated with peace, spirituality, and universal connection. The side of the bowl is engraved with the sacred symbol “Metatron,” representing sacred geometry and spiritual transformation. Complete with a suede mallet, this crystal singing bowl is easy to use and transport, making it an essential tool for your spiritual practice. Elevate your meditation experience with this exquisite crystal singing bowl.